The C3 CPU Architecture

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C3 (CPU3) is a simple 16-bit processor architecture.


  • Four (16 bit) general-purpose registers: A, B, C and D
  • Two binary flag registers (Zero and Carry)
    Zero register gets set if last alu operation result is 0 Carry gets set if last apu operation cases an overflow
  • One (16-bit) I/O register: IO_OUT (Write-only)

Memory map

Start End Description
0000 7FFF Up to 64kb ROM (R/O)
8000 FFFF 64kb Built-in RAM (R/W)


C3 can have up to 255 I/O ports.
Connector pins:
Name Type Description
IO_CLK Output Clock
IO_TRIG Output Can be used to end a pulse to the I/O device (IOTRIG)
IO_OUT Output Value of the IO_OUT register (IOWRT)
IO_IN Input Value for the IOREAD instr
IO_CPUHLT Output 1 if cpu is currently HALTed
IO_SLEEP Input HALT the CPU (Without waiting for instrution to finish)
TODO: I/O memory access

Instruction encoding

u - Unused
s - Instruction set select
r - Register select
i - Instruction

Instrunction table

s i Instr Description
0 00 NOP Does nothing
0 01 RST Reset A,B,C,D and PC
0 02 STOP Stop CPU until Resume button is pressed
0 03 - -
0 04 SWAP A,r Spap the values of A and r
0 05 LD r,A Load value of A into r
0 06 LD r,B Load value of B into r
0 07 LD r,C Load value of C into r
0 08 LD r,D Load value of D into r
0 09 LD r,[PC++] Load value in the next memory cell into r
0 0A LD A,[r] Read mem at location r into A
0 0B LD [r],A Write the value of A to mem at location r
0 0C ADD A,r Add the value of r to A
0 0D SUB A,r Subtract the value of r from A
0 0E MUL A,r Multiply A by r and store the result in A
0 0F CMP A,r Compare r and A. 0 - (A==r); 1 - (A>r); 2 - (A<r)
0 10 JP r Jump to r
0 11 JP Z,r Jump to r if Zero flag is set
0 12 JP NZ,r Jump to r if Zero flag is not set
0 13 JP C,r Jump to r if Carry flag is set
0 14 JP NC,r Jump to r if Carry flag is not set
0 15 IOHALT Wait for IO_WAKE tick
0 16 IOTRIG Send a pulse to the I/O device
0 17 IOREAD r Set r to the value of IO_IN line
0 18 IOWRT r Write r to the IO_OUT register
0 19 IOSLOT r Select I/O device with index r&0xFF
0 1A - -
0 1B - -
0 1C - -
0 1D - -
0 1E - -
0 1F - -
1 00 - -
1 00 NOP Does nothing
1 01 PUSH r Push r to stack
1 02 POP r Pop r from stack
1 03 - -
1 04 - -
1 05 - -
1 06 - -
1 07 - -
1 08 - -
1 09 - -
1 0A - -
1 0B - -
1 0C - -
1 0D - -
1 0E - -
1 0F - -
1 10 - -
1 11 - -
1 12 - -
1 13 - -
1 14 - -
1 15 - -
1 16 - -
1 17 - -
1 18 - -
1 19 - -
1 1A - -
1 1B - -
1 1C - -
1 1D - -
1 1E - -
1 1F - -
(Invalid instructions are equivalent to NOP, but waste 2 extra full cycles instead of skipping them)
TODO: Add instruction lengths

C3 Assembly